Sunday, December 04, 2005

you don't say...

High culture at the Tate Britain this afternoon. An enjoyable meander amongst the paintings of Degas, Sickert & Toulouse - Lautrec (London & Paris 1870 - 1910)... robing up and preparing for the chill evening London air... I overhear a guy saying to a bunch of girls "so did you manage to get the Take That tickets?" ... hmmm.... much like the afternoon I was at Tate Modern towards the end of the Frida Kahlo exhibition... one girl says to the boy (trying to impress).."oh! so that's what Frida Kahlo looks like!".. This is just after seeing the, did she totally ignore it or something..???? So what am I to expect when I eventually get to the Tate at St Ives..." thems whats pirates looks likes???" ....?????!!

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