Friday, March 18, 2005

spring is in the air

Goodness gracious me, it's a beautiful sunny day here in ole London town today and set to continue over the weekend. (I have my best weather girl voice on while I type this...). Methinks it's a perfect opportunity to get outside and explore London town a bit more... and procrastinate further about study....

Hmm... perhaps I'll venture on to Whitechapel Gallery or Spitalfield and Brick Lane markets. ... but then again I have no money to spend. Have to pay the rent next week. I won't tell you all how much I pay.... all the Aussies reading this will have heart attacks. But to give you an idea... for the monthly rent it's basically your life savings and doubled each month....We figure there is enough chemicals in the London air to sustain (preserve) us between rental payments....

Seriously though, now that I'm earning £'s and not converting back to Aussie $'s it's not too bad living here.

I know, everyone is obsessed with the weather... but I honestly can't believe what a difference there is here compared with just over a week or so ago. I was honestly trudging to the tube station in the snow once or twice. Trying desperately not to slip over flat on my arse. I was layered up with clothing, suffering from a nasty flu and everyone was just gloomy and agitated. Now, today, everyone is smiling... and I wasn't quite fearing for my life getting off the train as people literally just shove you out of the way.... people actually stood aside this morning and I've people hold the door open.... remarkable.

.. A comment on the weather readers... I can't stand them... they act out the weather! If it's blowing a gale they literally pretend they are the wind.... All I can think is they must be former or rejected Tele-Tubbies to carry on like this.

I'm even having to wear my sunnies today. Apparently it's only the Italians who go around at all times of the year indoors and outdoors wearing sunglasses.

And St Patrick's day yesterday... you'd almost think we were in Dublin, not London. Green and orange everywhere yesterday... alas... not really knowing anyone just yet to join in for a few pints.... I trundled home to a Stella Artois and soggy pasta... a bit depressing... almost knocked on my neighbours door to ask if i could stay for tea... They are Iranian and make the best smelling curries... mmmmmmm........ curry......

Although, I have had the opportunity to sample some of the Indian curry here... Bellissimo! (ok, I'm going to take up Italian again also. Dying to go to Italy). The flavours were just fantastic and superb service. (I was at someone's birthday dinner). Probably not made as hot as some Aussie curries I've had. No matter. Loved it...

And finally on the culinary front, I am still yet to find the ultimate coffee shop here in London. You know... the coffee you just have to have... to die for... lots of chain stores around... and some small coffee shops, but the Brits just can't seem to make a decent coffee. And the Italians and French seem to be catering to Britains bland tastes. The search continues....

Monday, March 14, 2005

little britain

had to publish this. greetings to all Governments and spy agencies and anti-terrorist folks. .... freedom of speech.... freedom of human will... a wonderful thing.....

Re: Immigration, a timebomb waiting to happen. aired Friday 11th March on BBC.

I found this program absolutely appalling. hard to know where to begin. What century are we living in? The sentiments expressed were reminiscent of Nazi Germany.

When will so-called journalists (Rod Liddle) start doing their jobs properly and start doing some research of facts before they start mouthing-off and inciting hatred.

I had to laugh when he mentioned the Kurdistan refugees being placed into areas of England occupied by 'indigenous Indian and Pakistani' populations. Excuse me? When were these groups indigenous to England?????

Then he goes on to talk about the problems of Islam and how they don't have the same values as 'us'. How we have 'freedom of speech'.

Hmm... same values... well... I don't know whether the UK, being a 'Christian' country necessarily values placing women in shop windows to be sold for sex. As was shown to us from Amsterdam. Freedom of Speech? Equality? Values? I don't see this occurring here. Particularly not equality for women or having a sound set of social values. What about equal pay for women, better access to social welfare, the fact that many rapes are not being convicted and domestic violence levels still at unacceptable high rates? And this is just in our 'liberal' society...

And much of the debate recently has been about Indians, Pakistanis and the others... the muslims.... If someone had done their research properly they would know that Pakistan itself is a nation of Islam and there also happens to be a large Islamic population in India. In fact, Islam is found throughout all of the world. On the African continent, in Asia (ie: Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, the Middle East and in Europe. So when we talk about Islam are we actually talking about a religion or a country. As with Christianity there are also different factions.

tolerance? How tolerant are we as so called Christians if we can't find compassion for asylum seekers. I'm sure these are not the teachings of the Bible.

The liberal left that we accept homosexuals in our society? NOT! Gay bashings still occur. Gay marriages are not permitted and homosexuality is indeed one of the leading contributors to the split in the Anglican Church at this present time.

And for the record, it is not open slather to enter this country. I am a recent immigrant here from Australia. I had to fill in a multitude of paperwork and show all types of evidence to obtain my visa. I have done nothing but paperwork since I arrived. I have had to prove that i can support myself and will not be a burden on the social welfare system. This week I have an interview for my national insurance number. More paperwork. There have been criminal, financial and character cheques etc etc.... It seems I can't even scratch myself here without filling out a form.

So yeah... if you're talking about numbers, then kick all the immigrants out. What would you have left? The Dark Ages all over again. A few landholders and low skilled uneducated peasants.

Immigrants in this country are accountants, engineers, bar staff, waiters, labourers, teachers, health care professionals, admin workers, business owners (employers).

No tea, no coffee, no international trade, no infrastructure. No culture.

I just can't believe that so many people donating to Red Nose Day and the Tsunami Relief Appeal could also be so callous as to deny people an opportunity for a better life, whether they arrive on working visa or as asylum seekers.

Besides, with the BBC controlling the media in this country and the Government controlling the BBC, how much freedom of speech do you really expect to be occurring?

'Banned in the UK' - a BBC series highlighting the manipulation of the Thatcher years... don't kid yourselves that John Major and Tony Blair were/ are much different....