Saturday, September 10, 2005

hola amigos

Ok ok... it's a long time between posts. So I kinda haven't had a computer for like ages... So I'm going to make up for it now...

Have moved house. Now an Eastender.... I might meet Den out there on my travels.. or some other geezer.

We've discovered the E9 cafe and Merve's. Ahhh.... the trad English breakfast served up by Turks and the best ever kebab shop next door. Rooly and trooly.

It's such a diverse area. We live right on the edge of the housing estates.. You The Bill. And boy do I stick out like a sore toe... blonde haired and blue eyed in an oh-so black population. All the hairdressers offer hair extensions, braidings, straightenings, curly perms and corn rows. And the karaoke is strictly reggae.

Hmmm.... and no shortage of flash cars... BMW's, Mercs... I could swear they don't pay that much to run a car like that on Social Security. Plus you soon get over the fact real quick that you often walk past a bunch of youths smoking some pretty darn strong weed.

But that's just life around here.

Occasionally I go for a morning run and within a couple of minutes I'm out of this built up stinking metropolis and onto the Well St Common. ...lush surroundings fringed by old Victorian period homes. A little further along into Victoria Park and I find myself disturbing the squirrels in their morning fossick amongst the park bins and gardens.

I'd really love to get some pics of my new hangabouts, but my stupid camera died. Never mind, I'm going to Spain in a week and a half and hope to pick up a new camera duty free. I don't know a word of Spanish. Could be interesting....

Anyway, will pop up some more posts this week with further tales of Home Life in Hackney.