Sunday, March 12, 2006


I tottered along to Southbank the other night to see Icebraker in performance at the Queen Elizabeth Hall. For an excellent review of this shabby performance I'm going to refer you to A Rare Musical Event.


ok...just checking last time I posted a blog... been quite a while...what can I say....all work and no play make this little squid unhappy....

But that's not quite true. I have been managing to get out to some crazy gigs and seeing some pretty amazing sights on the weekends. So! I'm making an undertaking to do some more updates more regularly. Even if it's to tell you we made kick ass home made pizza last night.

What to expect? well, I'm really going to have to catch up on some story telling. Travel memoirs from Spain (Barcelona, Montserrat and the Pyrenees), travels around England (inlcuding North Devon, Vale of the White Horse and Oxford) and a long weekend in Riga (Latvia). Plus not forgetting the experimental improv music gigs in the back bar of a small pub, the more swish contemporary London Philharmonic gigs etc at the Barbican and South Bank and the art galleries (Timothy Taylor on Bond Street featuring works spanning the lifetime of Philip Guston). it's just a question of knowing where to start...Chronologically would make sense I guess, but that's not necessarily how my memory works...

So a bit of this. A bit of that. Critques/ Reviews. And some good ole chit chat.